
Sexual Chemistry

Robert, an overworked chemist experimenting with new sex-enhancing drug, uses himself as a human guinea pig in order to make an impending deadline. Sexual Chemistry DVD His new drug works

Director: Mike Sedan

Writer: Helen Haxton

Stars: Jeff Xander, Stephanee LaFleur, Chanda Marie





Robert, an overworked chemist experimenting with new sex-enhancing drug, uses himself as a human guinea pig in order to make an impending deadline. Sexual Chemistry DVD His new drug works wonders on his libido, but has an unexpected side-effect: it turns Robert into a Roberta! Now he/she must find a way to become a man again, and get in touch with his feminine side, before it's too late.

User Reviews

 I liked the movie - the plot premise, while probably a bit overdone (How many male-to-female/Jekyll-and-Hyde movies are there, anyway?) is a good one, and, while the sex scenes were a bit overdone, they weren't TOO gratuitous...

Though, personally, I think the movie would have made just as much sense with a few minutes of sex clipped out - obviously, some nudity would need to stay for artistic and plot purposes, but about half the sex could be edited out without too much problem if done properly.

Overall, though there's a bit too much cheap fan-service for some tastes, it's a enjoyable movie.


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